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Friday 28 September 2007

hey sry guys for teh monthly delay, guess blogging aint realy my passion. haha. anyway it's jus wks, or can say many days left, to the Os. so, wad m i doing nw blogging? lol nt sure too... haha later mus do one eng compo for tuition de.. hahas.
hope u guys are studying rite nw. lemme tell u sth; im studying! felt anything? could haf been motivating, haha i tried. anyways, the Os are realy approaching fast, and im jus waiting for e impending doom to befall on me.. awww so pessimistic. jus wana hope readers to cont studying, dont give up, and only for 1 mth!! afta tt can play like heck =)
suddenly felt abit emo.. 4 yrs of education in CCHY to take an exam, afta tt 1.5 mths of off-days and start studying again. feel kinda lifeless. moreover, wat nxt? afta all hols are over, then everything stops and restarts again. to find new and beta frenz are up to ur fate or blessings or luck. realy mus pray to ensure a good life and a certain path lying ahead of us.. yeah tt's impt.
rite nw still struggling here and there. dont realy noe wat's going on, everything i thought of sparks another issue to counter-argue myself.. wat's wrong wif me? u ask me think less, but i'll think more to ask questions like 'why'. v, v, sad... mus feel God's grace =)
haha so far till nw life nt too bad. improved quite alot on a special thursday, tt day especially mood swing de. haha it's over le, back to the more-or-less cheerful me. haha. jiayou for Os!!

Friday, September 28, 2007

Friday 3 August 2007

oh no.. prelims coming up in 25 days.. m i prepared?rite nw m suffering frm really unfocused mind. thinking of studies momentarily, then afta tt is play, then... the cycle repeats. it's like u keep heating and cooling sth, expecting it to expand and contract again and again.. end result is.. ermm.. duno la. jus gonna let all hell run loose.. oso still gt dis prob bugging me like always.. only to increase exponentially every single day passing..

guess i kinda realise e feeling of missing sumone so much.. kinda felt it sum days ago. one of my frens din contact me for days.. and i kinda missed him lots. prob is, i cant find e suitable time for us to contact each other.. both of us are extremely busy la.. aww. nvm.. things will move on, rite? guess it's going to be time to get more new frens, esp afta Os, and going to new JC. haiz.. come to think of it, it's SO SAD. hw melancholic... ...haiz.. it's jus so painful. T_T

so scared... fearful.. of the future.. i could have carved it out earlier in my days. y mus i be so stupid... noononoo.. MUST REALLY CONVINCE MYSELF NOT TO WORRY. IM GONNA STAND! RISE! CONQUER MA FEARS!! RAWR.

lol im supposed to post this days ago.. hu knew, rite b4 i posted, electricity tripped.. ZZZ... but still posted. yay. gd luk readers and all my frens 4 not only prelims, but oso for Os!! jiayous =)

Friday, August 03, 2007

Monday 2 July 2007

Hihi!! back here guys. wow, today suddenly like so spectacular nia.. like a surge of endorphines jus rush thru my brain back and forth again and again repeatedly. the whole day i cant stop being happy la, v weird. nvr was a tot of sorrow or panic today.. well mebbe it was God, or wassit tt i too slack? keke...
Wait, this is certainly a strange phenomenon. i mean, did any of u guys see me so darn happy b4 since sch reopened? omg.. arrr going crazyy @_@.. rite nw is 2am monday, guess im too hyperactive today, battery going flat soon...
finally understood y shopping CAN be fun. haha was like going round sunplaza today in CD-Rama @ popular.. actually gt nth much to buy cuz no $$.. T_T rite? lolz.. then my mum ask me go meet her at facial shop, wan ask abt my face.. eventually she bought an ex moisturizer nia.. kinda felt abit heart pain for her >_< . afta tt din went home immediately, gt a pasar malam near my place, so i was like 'let's go walk walk la'. my mum agreed, so tt's wat we did. bought a pair of bermudas, tried some belts, OMG! suddenly gt this urge to buy more things. liaoz, tot of my 'bankrupcy'. too bad la huh, go home ba gerard.
mebbe tt's y im happy? no ba.. at morn tuition quite high ler.. my tuition teacher change hairstyle, nw like become more 'wuzun' lidat. so weird O_O hahas. he's a cool teacher.. man i admire him lots. goofy, cheerful and liguistic. hahas.. guess it's up to me to figure it all out again.
nitez guys! miss y'all ^^

Monday, July 02, 2007

Friday 22 June 2007

yo guys!! happen to pass by this blogskin.. tot of giving it a try, therefore ta-dah!! hahas.. felt tt my prev blog was kinda too boring cuz i dont wana change e blogskin. it's nice la, but mebbe some of ya guys jus felt sick of it after so long, so this blog is u! still e same old gerard, but in diff location only. =)
hols gona end le.. sth tt all Singaporean students shld feel melancholic abt.. haha no la jkjk, but i do. hols are getting more and more fun, but it's coming to an end.. shld get ready again for study momentum and GCE 'O's. kinda stress sia, since many things had happened.. dont quite wanna disclose it here anyways.. yea..
anyway im kinda in a rush here, so jus wana end off realy quick. God bless everyone here for studies and their lives. dont be stressed up; talk to someone, dont forget to play at least abit b4 o lvls to prevent total emotional breakdown!! haha tAalk to ya chaps when i haf time. cya!~ =D

Friday, June 22, 2007


[#o1] Welcome to mah bloggy
[#o2] Do not rip anything off
[#o3] Whats here remains here
[#o4] Tag before you leave [puh-leaseeee?]
[#o5] No vulgarities [!@*&$^%]
[#o6] Leave if you're unhappy =(


15++ years of age


*Frens & BESTies*
*Eating, sleeping.. usual stuff*
*Sentimental pop/RNB/metal*

*Not much things to be hated now*


*Lotsa $$moolah$$*
*A clear mind, unlike now*
*Err... wishful thinking*

*Activate max personality!!*
*Increase spiritual lvl!!*
*Regain mah ABs!*
*Initiate study momentum*
*Learn guitar, then electric guitar!*

Personal Reminders

*Truth helps, but truth hurts*
*Be yourself*
*God is always with us*
*To err is human, to forgive Divine*
*Love, hope, faith*
*Be in control, not controlled*
*Don't fear rejection; what's e worse?*
*Though times are hard, keep holding on!*
*Neva hurt frens.Losing a fren SUCKS*
*Be ++VE!!*

**[Btw, this blogskin doesnt reflect wat i think, but how i feel.]



%3J'o6, 4J'o7%
Ji Yuen~
Shu Feng~
%Nice frenz%
Mi Sis~


June 2007
July 2007
August 2007
September 2007


zero one two three four